For More Informations, Please Contact

Smt. Sarika Sharda
HOD (Human Resource)
Phone: 0120-2476780
E-Mail: head[dot]hr[at]pawanhans[dot]co[dot]in


(A Govt. of India Enterprise)



Pawan Hans Limited is a premier Central Public Sector Enterprise and India's largest Helicopter Company under the administrative control of Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India. The Company requires Associate Flight Engineers- on contract basis:-

Associate Flight Engineer:

The incumbent should be 10+2 in Science from a recognized Board / University and holding current & valid Flight Engineer's License duly endorsed on PHL type of helicopter (Mi-172) with 1000 hours on type with no accident / incident blame-worthiness record in preceding three years.

Associate Flight Engineer:



Associate Flight Engineers


Tenure of Contract

On short term / long term basis upto 3 years extendable further on need of the organization


QRs at time of induction

The incumbent should be 10+2 in Science from a recognized Board / University and holding current & valid Flight Engineer's License duly endorsed on PHL type of helicopter (Mi-172) with 1000 hours on type with no accident / incident blame-worthiness record in preceding three years.


Other requirements

No Accident/Incident record attributed on part of Flight Engineer

No adverse performance record/report in past


Equivalent Salary grade

E-2 (for the purpose of TA/DA & other administrative consideration only and not for remuneration/benefits etc.)


Fixed Monthly Emoluments

The Company offers attractive compensation package and professional work environment commensurate with Industry standards


Other Benefits/ Allowances

TA/DA will be at par with regular AMEs/FEs of E-2 cadre 

Risk Allowance as per PHL rules.

They will not be entitled to any other allowances/perquisites and benefits including leave as applicable to regular/contractual employees of the company unless the same has been made expressly applicable to them.

For the purpose of PF & Gratuity (if applicable) shall be based on minimum of the Scale of Pay of E-2 Grade.


Insurance coverage

Insurance Coverage for a sum of Rs. 1.00 Crore under PA Aircrew Insurance Scheme


Termination of Contract

The Company can terminate the contract at any time by giving two months notice or salary in lieu thereof.  In case of resignation by the Associate Flight Engineer, he is required to give six month's notice.  In no case there would be any payment in lieu of Notice period to waive off the actual Notice period for resignation. They will be discharged at any time on being found medically unfit or cancellation of license etc. without any notice.

In addition, the Associate Flight Engineer would be admissible for other benefits like PF/Gratuity, TA/DA, Risk Allowance etc as per rules of the Company.

General Conditions:

  • The Pawan Hans Limited management reserves the right:

i) to consider only those candidates who according to its decision rank high in terms of eligibility criteria and mere eligibility will not confer any right for being interviewed.

ii) to restrict the number of applicants for interview depending upon the level of response.

iii) to reject any application, cancel the post/s or candidature without assigning any reasons thereof.

  • It is incumbent upon the candidate to go through the advertisement carefully and clear all doubts / queries before interview / selection.
  • While applying for the post/attending the interview, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned above, as on the specified dates and that the particulars furnished are correct in all respects. If at any stage of recruitment, it is detected that a candidate has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed fact(s) to become eligible, his/her candidature will stand cancelled automatically. If any deviation/ shortfall(s) in requisite criteria is/are detected even after his/her appointment, his or her service is liable to be terminated without any notice.
  • Candidate should note that the onus of proving the correctness and authenticity of the details provided in the application is on him/her.
  • All appointments will be subject to medical fitness as per DGCA & PHL rules.
  • No correspondence will be entertained from candidates who have not been shortlisted / selected.
  • The advertisement can be withdrawn at any time and vacancies advertised may be increased/ decreased at the discretion of the management without assigning any reasons thereof.
  • Corrigendum or Addendum or Cancellation of this advertisement, if any, shall be published only on the website of PHL and will not be published in the newspapers. Therefore, the candidates are advised to check the website of PHL regularly.
  • Canvassing or bringing influence in any form will disqualify the candidature.
  • The jurisdiction for any dispute arising out of the advertisement shall be the courts at NOIDA/ Delhi.

Furnishing of unsigned / incomplete / inconsistent / ambiguous information in the applications without proof of Certificates are liable to be rejected and will lead to disqualification of the application and candidature.


How to apply:

Eligible candidates meeting the above requirement may visit careers tab on the Company's website and apply online. The applicants should also send the duly filled & signed print out of the online application form after affixing a recent passport size photograph accompanied with copies of self-attested testimonials in support of age, caste, qualification, licence status, medical status, flying experience, etc and Demand Draft (towards application fee-non refundable) for Rs. 295/- (Rupees two hundred and ninety five only) for post of Associate Flight Engineer and Demand Draft for Rs. 118/- (Rupees one hundred and eighteen only) for post of Associate Cabin Crew inclusive of GST @ 18% drawn in favour of Pawan Hans Ltd, payable at DELHI/NOIDA (SC & ST candidates & Persons with Disabilities are exempted from payment of application fee).

Eligible candidates meeting the above requirement who are not able to apply online may download Application Blank Form from the website and send the scanned copy of duly filled & signed  application form after affixing a recent passport size photograph to email id -  The duly filled & signed  application form after affixing a recent passport size photograph accompanied with copies of self-attested testimonials in support of age, caste, qualification, licence status, medical status, flying experience, etc and Demand Draft (towards application fee-non refundable) for Rs. 295/- (Rupees two hundred and ninety five only) for post of Associate Flight Engineer an Demand Draft for Rs. 118/- (Rupees one hundred and eighteen only) for post of Associate Cabin Crew inclusive of GST @ 18% drawn in favour of Pawan Hans Ltd, payable at DELHI/NOIDA (SC & ST candidates & Persons with Disabilities are exempted from payment of application fee) may thereafter sent by post.

Furnishing of unsigned/ incomplete/inconsistent/ambiguous information in the application without proof of certificates or application received after last date, submitted offline are liable to be rejected and will lead to disqualification of the candidature.

Applications complete in all respects as detailed above duly superscribing the envelope with the post applied for must reach to: HOD (HR), Pawan Hans Limited, (A Government of India Enterprise), Corporate Office, C-14, Sector-1, Noida - 201301, (U.P.)

Interested applicants would be interviewed virtually by a duly constituted Committee on a suitable date.

Candidates must also bring their original testimonials for verification at the time of interview.

Candidates meeting the above criteria are required to submit self attested copies of following documents at the time of Interview:-

  • PHL Application Blank (in original) duly filled in & signed
  • Copy of Caste/Class certificate, if applicable
  • Copy of 10th Class Certificate
  • Copy of current & valid Licence
  • Copy of last page of Log Book
  • Copies of documents in support of working / flying experience.
  • Details of emoluments/CTC


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