Complaint under Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI) should be addressed to Secretary, Central Vigilance Commission, Satarkta Bhawan, Block-A, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi-110023   |   Need Help for Booking Flights, Please Contact us Via Toll Free No. 1800 180 3649   |   If complaints fail to get internal redress, The Directorate of Public Grievances (DPG) - ( can be approached for redress of grievance   |   Hangar Space Available for Lease at Rohini Heliport, Delhi on First Come First Served Basis   |   Preamble to the Constitution of India   |   Admission in Aviation Academy Delhi   |   PHL Internship   -  Scheme  (Click here),  Apply  (Click here)   |   Admission Open for Bachelor of Aeronautics & Aircraft Maintenance Engineering at PHTI Mumbai (Click here),   |   A Framework for Transparency Audit     |   Swachhta Shapath

Flight Safety

Last Updated on: 18/04/2024

In over Three decades of operation, PHL has logged more than one million flight hours and logged more than 25 Lakhs landings. Since then, PHL has developed and refined safety programs and practices which have given us an unprecedented safety record in the commercial helicopter industry.

This has been achieved through awareness, training, accountability, incentives and a strong focus on pro-active efforts relative to safety management. At PHL, we recognize that working safely is a pre-requisite to working efficiently and profitably. From the very highest level of management on down, commitment and accountability drive safety performance. We remain proactive in strengthening our safety culture by continuing to educate employees, monitor and measure results, and recognize safe work practices.

In recognition of our safety accomplishments, PHL has received the Helicopter Association International "Accident Free Year - 2014" A Operator Safety Award.

PHI also has a longstanding commitment to the protection of the environment. For over a decade, we have actively pursued alternative technologies that allow the substitution of less toxic processes to reduce potential health risks to our employees, to minimize emissions to the environment and to reduce the production and disposal of hazardous wastes.

PHL is working closely with regulatory Authorities such as DGCA to address both potential and actual contamination.PHL has recognized Safety a core value of its Flight Operations.

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