Complaint under Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI) should be addressed to Secretary, Central Vigilance Commission, Satarkta Bhawan, Block-A, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi-110023   |   Need Help for Booking Flights, Please Contact us Via Toll Free No. 1800 180 3649   |   If complaints fail to get internal redress, The Directorate of Public Grievances (DPG) - ( can be approached for redress of grievance   |   Hangar Space Available for Lease at Rohini Heliport, Delhi on First Come First Served Basis   |   Preamble to the Constitution of India   |   Admission in Aviation Academy Delhi   |   PHL Internship   -  Scheme  (Click here),  Apply  (Click here)   |   Admission Open for Bachelor of Aeronautics & Aircraft Maintenance Engineering at PHTI Mumbai (Click here),   |   A Framework for Transparency Audit     |   Swachhta Shapath

NIASS Profile

National Institute of Aviation Safety and Services is an initiative of Pawan Hans Limited. The Institute is a knowledge bank and provides services to helicopter operators in general aviation, owners and other organizations on aviation safety related issues and assists the Government and regulating agencies in formulating/implementing rules and regulations for smooth operation, maintenance of helicopters/aircrafts and development of heliports, maintenance facilities in the country.

All faculties of the institute are experienced experts from flying, maintenance, audit, safety and quality assurance to keep our commitment to establish state of the art training facility characterized by a high degree of persistence, understanding and ability to visualize the future challenges of general aviation industry.

The training courses conducted by the institute address the core competencies of fying crew and maintenance personnel and provide knowledgeable aviation professionals to the industry to enable them perform eficiently and safely.

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